Month: November 2007

  • Come and get it!

    Tony and I are wanting to eat more soup as the weather gets colder. Last night I merged two recipes together and created a fantastic chicken tortilla soup. I have to share the recipe. 1 small onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 T veg oil 2 cans chicken broth 1 can beef broth 2…

  • A flashback

    For those of you out there who are unaware of our family’s history, Tony stayed home with Corinne the first year of her life while I worked and he wrote his Master’s thesis. He would entertain himself during the day at her expense thinking that she was a baby and wouldn’t be affected by it…

  • Thanksgiving 2007

    Where do I start? So much has happened. We left for Cleveland on Wednesday morning so that Tony’s mom could help me take care of Tony post-surgery and keep the kids entertained. Tony felt every bump in the road on the way there which made for a grumpy passenger. Once the Percocet hit his system,…

  • He’s alive!

    Tony is home post-surgery. Sounds like everything went well. He now has a permanent plate and 6 screws in his hand. Recovery is expected to take 4 weeks.  The kids are all sick. Corinne stayed home from school yesterday and today. I think she had the easiest of it and was nice enough to…

  • Video clip of the week

    I’d like to have a clip of the week. However, it is highly likely that I will forget to do this. Anyway, here’s one for this week. A friend forwarded it to me, and I found it funny. Sorry if you’ve seen it already. Enjoy!  -g.

  • Oh, snap!

    I mean this both literally and figuratively. On Saturday, Bucks fans everywhere mourned the loss of the game against Illinois. Tony, however, was in overdrive and on the first Illinois possession (which resulted in a bogus call by the referees and ultimately a touchdown) he punched the floor multiple times with his fist. I know,…

  • Happy Birthday, Abba-ita!

    If you know my kids, you can hear them singing the title as you read it. Today is a holiday in our house because it is Tony’s mom’s birthday, and she is our hero. (I have not, however, committed her birthday to memory and, therefore, am embarrassed we didn’t do more than this post.) Let…

  • A sticky situation

    You can call me a bad parent for numerous reasons. Here is a story that illustrates several examples:  I usually let the kids watch a movie in the afternoon after Corinne gets home from school so that I can relax and/or cook dinner. (Can you hear their brains rotting?) While they watch the movie,…

  • 2 out of 3 IS bad

    I am in shock. Crushed. Ethan has discovered his thumb. He seems to prefer his left. Ugh. Corinne is 4.5 and STILL SUCKS HER THUMB!!!! We’ve tried painting her nails thinking she would find them too pretty to suck and then moved on to the big guns: humiliation, threatening to dip it in hot sauce,…

  • Bowling

    Corinne has been bugging us to take her bowling for a long time. We got a coupon in the mail for one free game for up to 10 people, and the wish came true. Mason enjoyed himself, too. I was a smidge worried about him putting on the bowling shoes, but he actually loved them…