Author: admin

  • Where do I sign?

    A friend sent this to me, and I loved it. Gonna Be A Bear In this life, I’m a woman. In my next life, I’d like to come back as a bear. When you’re a bear, you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that. Before you…

  • Circus

    A friend from church gave us some free tickets to the Aladdin Shriner’s Circus. The kids were so excited. You’d think that this would be the After picture, but it is actually what occurred on the way TO the circus. Turned out to be a good thing since the circus went fairly late. Before the…

  • Ethan is 8 months old

    Time is whizzing past us. Ethan is growing up too quickly. Babies are my favorite stage. He has learned how to clap and smiles so big when he does it. Once that is mastered, I’m hoping to teach him how to wave or blow a kiss. Cute! Ethan does seem to be tired of the…

  • Easter Egg-stravaganza 2008 Part II

    I posted already what we did through Easter around dinnertime. Now for the conclusion. As before mentioned, Tony’s family was down from Cleveland for the weekend. I decided to take the kids to my parents house for some entertainment since Corinne had the week off of school, and I had absolutely no idea how to…

  • Annual check-ups for Corinne and Mason

    I coupled Corinne and Mason’s yearly exams together so that I only have to make one trip. Their birthdays are about a month apart so it works out nicely. Corinne passed all of her tests easily. She is in the 90% for height and 75% for weight. The doctor said she is destined to be…

  • Easter Egg-stravaganza 2008

    What an Easter we had this year thanks to our friends and family! We started off with an Easter Egg hunt at the park on Saturday. It was freezing cold that day with drizzle in the air. Yuck. The kids didn’t seem to care. After that (at the same park) was a Duck Parade that…

  • Mason is 3!

    I know Mason’s birthday was a few weeks ago, but we had to delay the celebration. His actual birthday was during the week so we had his choice of dinner and played at the playplace. Tony’s family came down on Saturday the 22nd to spend the night for Easter. We had planned on having cake…

  • I’ll Get Cavities!

    Corinne is really competitive lately and wants to win at everything she does. “I got up on my stool first! I win!” “I made my bed the fastest! I win!” etc. Last night the kids were sent upstairs to get their pjs on for bed. Mason had a good headstart and was a ringer to…

  • Crazy weather

    I’ve been gone for the holiday and never got a chance to post these pictures. Here’s Mason when the blizzard hit: Less than a week later, he was doing this: (FYI–That’s my “new” van in the picture. I got it this fall and LOVE it. Never was much for minivans, but I am converted. Thank…

  • Between a table and a hard place

    Ethan keeps getting himself stuck. He loves to explore. Sometimes I can’t find him until he starts crying to be rescued. I feel bad running for the camera when he is crying for help. I just can’t help myself. -g.