We are lucky enough to live in Dublin which is pretty big into public art. One of these artpieces is near our home. We call it The Corn. There are 109 ears of cement corn.
The kids love to run around between the rows. We went in the fall to play hide and go seek.
Mason is trying his best to be one with the corn and disappear. Ethan…not so much.
Next to the cornfield is a row of trees that drop huge “things.” The kids say they are monkey brains. Apparently, they are called Osage Oranges. Doesn’t look like an orange I’d want to eat! I have seen them elsewhere in Dublin, too. One fell and hit the top of the van once while I was driving. It scared me to death!
As weird as the fruit is, the trees sure are fun to climb on.
We played until the sun went down and the kids pooped out. FYI: The plaque Mason is sitting on talks about how Sam Frantz came up with some form of hybrid corn and used to farm the land where the cement corn is now. The road next to the corn is Frantz Road. It’s all making sense now. See why it’s good to read those little markers?
Here is another example of art in Dublin: Bunny Hill
In summer, we play in the fountains and waterfall underneath. In winter, the kids love to sled ride down the back. The bunnies have recycled pieces of trash in them. Some of our favorites are: a blowdryer, care bear toy, HUGE scissors, coins, etc.
So you decide, art or playground?
One response to “Art or Playground?”
ah the corn field. So funny!