As some of you know, Tony is assigned to a job this year that has him traveling away from home often. I have been praying for something to keep the kids entertained and me sane. Friday was the day that it all worked out. After dinner, we had the kids go look out the front window. This is what they saw:
Papa Tom and Abuelita were able to get this AWESOME playset from a builder in Cleveland for pennies on the dollar. They were nice enough to take it apart, drive it to Columbus at a snail’s pace, and then put it all back together again. Do they love my kids or what?!
It took 6 men and removing a portion of our fence to get it to the back. I think it was in about 3 locations before it came to rest in its final spot.
The kids were all over it for HOURS until we drug them inside for a quick bath. The rest of the post will be pictures showing what bliss looks like.
I thought that perhaps since this prayer was answered, I might also get my desire to have my kids sleep in late the next morning due to playing so hard. No dice. My luck had run out. They were up EARLY the next morning sitting in front of the window talking about their playset. Mason still checks every morning to make sure it is still there.
Thanks, Papa Tom and Abuelita!
4 responses to “A Prayer Answered”
Wow Greta! I’m green with envy! That is so awesome!
Thanks! I wish you were here to bring Creed over to play.
Yes,, we are quite jealous too. I bet putting that baby back together was an adventure.
Yes…we were the modern day “Beverly Hill-Billies”! But… was all worth it…just don’t ask us to move it again, please! 😉 Disclaimer: Please do not hold us responsible for broken bones, bruises or any other bodily injuries!