Go Tribe!

Tony’s dad offered us 4 tickets to an Indians game while his mom bought all the munchkins Tribe shirts. We thought the kids would really like it so we headed north. Ethan stayed behind for an evening of being spoiled by Abueltia and Papa Tom. Tony and I headed to the rapids with the kids. Who can resist a ride on a train? This may have been Mason’s favorite part.

Indians game

The game was a big lackluster. There weren’t many hits. The kids were distracted by the vendors selling food so we ended up eating more than watching the game.

Indians game

Shortly after this picture, we figured it was time to visit the kid zone. The kids played on the toys and played the claw game. Tony won a hat for Mason. He was much happier for this picture with Slider:

Indians game

I’m glad we went. Family time is the best time!


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