So Tony has been traveling alot for work recently due to a project at work. It’s gets a bit old having him gone. The kids are great, but they get tired of him being away, too. We decided to redeem a free voucher he received for being bumped. I flew out to Vermont to spend a long weekend with him last month.
What do you do in Vermont? The first thing we thought of was Ben & Jerry’s! The tour was alright. We were just glad to have somewhere to go. At the end, you get a free scoop of ice cream. Ours was oatmeal cookie. Pretty tasty!
The rest of the state is fairly unpopulated. Tony and I made the most of the small town he was staying in but had to drive to see most points of interest. It was the 400th anniversary of discovering Lake Champlain.
We found a small island that had one of the first churches built in Vermont. It’s a Catholic church that holds services outdoors. It was pretty neat to see. I guess it’s too cold in winter so they only have mass during the warm months. That’s my kind of church!
The biggest town nearby (Burlington) was having a festival to celebrate the lake. Too bad it was pouring and cold. I snapped some pictures, though.
We took a long drive to a fancy restaurant that Tony had been to with a group of guys from his work site. I decided we would try to find covered bridges on the way. They had them vaguely placed on the map but no specific location. Here are the ones we found:
It was a good trip overall. I read 6 books in 5 days. That’s my kind of R&R!