I have hit the big time. That’s right folks. Here I am in my cozy home in Dublin, Ohio and someone…no THREE someones are reading my site across the ocean. Not to make any of you feel uncomfortable or think I’m creepy, but I have a way to track who checks my site(more like where–i just get a location). It’s kinda fun. Anywho, I was checking it and saw that someone in Berlin, Germany checked my site (through one of my friend’s sites) and then I got a hit from one person in Milan, Italy and another in Cremona, Italy doing a google search! They both were looking for “greta blog.” If you are reading this, cool international people, tell me who you are! I’m all giddy with excitement. I had another random hit once. It wasn’t as fun. The person was searching google with the key words “nurse shoes, greta.” Not sure about that combination. Hopefully they enjoyed reading the site and eventually found their nurse shoes…