4 month stats

So my baby is chicken legged no more. I know you’ve seen the photos from this month and noticed the rolls. Thank goodness. When we got to Ethan’s appointment today, the nurse said there was a note in the chart to watch his weight. She asked if we had the right kid! His height and weight are now both 75% up from 50% and his head is 55% up from 30%. That seems like alot of growth for a noggin in two month’s time! He also got four shots and a liquid vaccine. While we were there, the doctor recommended a flu shot for the older kids. Mason was with me so he went first. He seemed more upset about me pulling down his pants against his will than the actual shot. I think I’ll take Corinne sometime soon. She’s at the highest risk since she is in school now.

Oh. The doctor wants us to start letting Ethan cry when he wakes up during the night. She thinks he should be sleeping 8-12 hours uninterupted by now. She says I’m jumping the gun and running in too many times. I guess I’m just worried he will wake u the older two and then I’ll have a real situation on my hands. Hmm… Maybe we’ll all get earplugs in our stockings…


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